Jan 14, 2012

Of time to come..,


::Time is funny thing::
Time is a funny thing, because when one is hard pressed to do something, then one can finish it in a quick and efficient manner but when one has too much time in one's hand, then the efficiency simply goes down. Don't take time as being something absolute, the human consciousness may very well be intimately intertwined with time itself.

And stop saying things like I don't care about politics, or I don't want to get involved in society because I'm bad at communicating with people; the fact is, very few people are good with people. In fact, if you're bad at it, then it is precisely why you should do it.

We always say that the youth are the agents of change, and we always look to the time of the Prophet as being such a good example of this but we seldom take a step back and think, what have I done for the betterment of society? do I even care enough about society to act?? ask ourself..

And acting does not mean looking at people in society that needs help, but never talk to any of those so-called troubled people and try to understand them, much less help them. All we do is scorn at them.

Doing something is not that hard, one only needs a few hours in a week to help (compare that to the amount of unnecessary sleep that one gets), and there is always room for more people, if one decides to join, that is.

It is funny that we say we study hard in the university for the sake of ALLAH and that we will contribute to His cause when we work, when in reality we sit in our own corner, doing enough to satisfy our whims, and do the bare minimum for Islam.

Funny, isn't it? When students say 'I want to be an Islamic doctor,' or 'I want to be an Islamic engineer,' when all they do is read books, pass exams, get a job, get a spouse, buy a big house, produce some kids, and die.

Now that, is funny..dO u think sO.,?

stop saying things like I don't care about politics, or I don't want to get involved in society...
# mood : campus elections ('',)
# meet my next post soon.,insyaallah

Dec 27, 2010

..jejak cita~

Berdiri aku disini
Menatap mentari terbit lagi
Membawa cahaya menerangi hari
dan saat itu masih ku nanti

Kita sama punya cita
Yang menunggu dihadapan sana
Biarpun berliku ditempuh jua 
Cekal dan tabah azimat jiwa

Tika ujian datang menduga
Tiada berputus asa dan kecewa
Andainya rebah bangkit semula 
Berserah mengharap rahmat-Nya

Sama melangkah seiringan
Mengejar sebuah impian
Dengan semangat keyakinan 
Menuju ke arah kejayaan 
Bertekad penuh keazaman 
gemilangkan pasti digenggaman

Jangan lupa memohon pada-Nya 
Tawakal berdoa sentiasa
Dialah penentu segala 
Apa dikurnia ada hikmahnya

Disana tiada jalan yang mudah
Hanya yang sabarkan terus melangkah
Berbekal keimanan didada 
Dan usaha pasti akan berjaya..berjaya

p/s : hv a nice day~~ (^_*)v

Dec 26, 2010

yang tersurat dan yang tersirat~

Assalamualaikum wbt..salam penuh ceria dr sy..hehe =D waa,,epi smacam je kn..

sbnrny,,nak tgok bola Malaysia vs Indonesia tp smpat ag tulis2 sket..hihi..ecely sy bukn la suka ckap2 or mnulis sgt2 pon..t abes tluah sgala bagai yg x patut dluahkn..haha..pnah gak tpikir..mm,,ptut x sy tutup blog ni? mm..tp..cam x ptut lak kn..sy pndai bblog ni pn sbb my naqibah ajarkn..kredit to kak nisah wanasan,,ye ckp jadikn blog sbg stu medan dakwah..hehe..ok2..sal nk tutup blog tu letak tepi dlu k..bbalik kpd tjuk post ni..yang tersurat dan yang tersirat..juz bce kat bawah ni k..then,,buat la analisis anda sndri yep..





yang tersirat :
[ pbualan antra mak n kak l0ng ]
mak : k.l0ng, ble dapat gaji first, nak bt pe?
kak long : gaji first??? mmm..dop tau la mak..x pnah tpikir la..(pastu,,tsengih je =D)

yang tersurat :
hmm..nak buat pe ngn gaji ptama ek..mmg xpnah tpikir lak..nape mak tnye camtu ye..mm..mak nk suh bjimat kot,,saving tuk msa dpn or mak nk ssuatu??,,ngeh3 =p





yang tersurat :
[ pbualan m.cik n ankny yg brumur 4 taun r lbey kurg, nme siti (hny nme samaran) ]
mak cik : siti, tu la beruk (sambil tunjuk kat seekor beruk yg panjat pkok nyior, mak cik sbnrny nk tnjkkn kat siti rupa beruk yg sbnr)
siti : eeii..x baek la kate beruk..
mak cik : =)
[ then, ble p.cik balik..siti pn gtaw ayh dia ]
siti : ayah, umi kate beruk td..
pak cik : =)

yang tersirat : bagus tol siti ni,,kecik2 da tau x elok sebut beruk or yg seumpama dgnny..even umi dia nk kenalkn dia dgn rupe beruk yg sbnrnya..mg jd anak solehah ye siti..hihi





yang tersurat :
[ pbualan antra mak n kak l0ng ]
mak : 3, 4 thun ag xdop org la kat umh ni,,kekg adik msuk u dah..k.ngah blaja ag,,k.long plak posting da..
kak l0ng : urm..ye r mak.. =(
mak : kekg tgal mak ngn ayah je..kelip2 kat umh 2 org..long, minx2 posting dkat2 tganu je..
kak l0ng : ( dlm hati : sape nk jge mak ngn ayh kekg..klu la dpt posting dkat2 je..at least ade la sorg ank mak n ayh kat umh..huhu) di mlut : mm.. xtahu la mak posting mne kekg..ikut ati mmg nk dkat je..mak doa2 la biar al0ng posting dkat je..huhu..

yang tersirat :
mak mmg hrap kak l0ng posting dekat la tu..t bleh tgok2kn mak ngn ayah..ye la..t adik2 duk jauh..huhu





yang tersurat :
[pbualan antra anak dan mak dia, yg dipanggil che']
anak : che, che nak blog?
che :dah mg bwk balik la..
anak : dah che nk byk mne?
che : bwk blik la byk mne pn..

yang tersirat :
adeke???? hahaha,,ni adalah gurauan smata2..anak tu nk maen2 ngn che dia..mntg2 la che tu da tue n xtaw sal blog2 nih..hihi =p

pesanan penaja : sume ni untk suke2 je..hehe..x mlibatkn sape2 pn.. 6_9

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